
Personal healthcare
with IoT


About Project

The use case is a solution developed for a leading innovator in digital medical devices and wellness products.

Industrial Solutions

The use case is a solution developed for a leading innovator in digital medical devices and wellness products.

The requirement was for an application that could support the existing old generation medical devices, and also support new and upcoming modern devices with the latest wireless frameworks.

Our solution was a mobile application compatible with both old and new generation devices supporting the client’s operations.

As part of the solution, we revamped the existing application with a new design and a scalable architecture that allowed to manage historical data and secure customer information in a more efficient and effective manner, while also supporting a wide range of personal healthcare devices, including both older-generation devices and newer devices that had not yet been released. In addition, we performed a backend migration of the customer information and scaled the system to support the addition of new customers in the future.

The developed application is HIPAA compliant and FDA approved.

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